Increasing efficiency and competition: Lineas in charge of Neutral Services at the Antwerp-North Shunting Hill
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of rail transport, Lineas is proud to take the lead in the Neutral Services at the Antwerp-North shunting hill. This development was a necessary condition to make the Railport tender possible and benefits all parties involved.

As the Neutral Services Manager, we want to ensure a customer-centric approach to the handling of wagons. By focusing on an all-inclusive service offer and seamless communication between arriving and departing railway undertakings that pick up shunting wagons, we aim to optimize the operations and increase overall efficiency. For example, Lineas has issued the "Consignment note requirements for Neutral Hilling" to enable a smooth information exchange.
In our commitment to transparency and accountability, Lineas also partnered with representatives of Infrabel and RailPort to establish an Audit Committee. This committee, which met for the first time on March 28, plays a critical role in monitoring and evaluating neutral management practices.
Next to this, we also have our daily Performance Meetings with client railway undertakings. These meetings serve as a platform to address quality and operational issues, and foster a culture of collaboration and problem-solving.
We are proud to serve a wide range of clients at Neutral Hilling, including companies such as DB Cargo, Railtraxx, and SNCF Fret. Our non-discriminatory approach ensures that all clients, regardless of size or scale, pay the same price and receive the same level of service and support. By prioritizing collaboration, transparency and continuous improvement, we aim to deliver the best value to our clients.
And last but not least: we are proud to highlight that Belgium is currently the only country offering neutral services for the shunting hill. We believe that this model holds immense potential for enhancing rail transport efficiency across Europe, and we hope to see similar initiatives implemented in other European countries in the near future.
Want to read more about our Neutral Hilling services? Click here.